Monday, 23 May 2011


Guys, please email me for your marks if you havent received them yet

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


Some images to inspire your drawing this week.

Firstly, check out these old soviet sculptures. Great inspiration for your blocks in your environments/buildings/bridge etc...

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

email address

guys, if you have not received your marks via email, please send me an email and I will reply with marks.

Either your email address bounced back or you didn't give it to me.


Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Student Work

Of the 21 students in our group, only 4 (ridley's, josh, therese and pm) had done the required work for this week.

Please pick up your game, as this is all due on Sunday in 2 weeks and will be marked immediately.

Nearly all the tutor groups had a couple of fails for the last experiment, so lets try not to have any in this group this time.

From Light to Dark: Some inspiration

Some ideas for interesting 'light to dark' illustrations.

The better students will make this task very good, taking inspiration from their hypothesis to create meaningful illustrations which will bolster the depth of their final scheme. Make them interesting, with a clear meaning and logic.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011



despite being widely regarded as a douche bag by a swathe of modernist students over the last few decades, Peter Eisenman produced some amazing precedents for your work this week. Have a good look at his work during the 70s where he was experimenting with booleaning volumes from each other to create positive/negative space. He produced some fantastic drawings (if unlivable houses!).

 a series of Eisenman's axonometric study sketches.

 A physical model of one of his house studies
 House III

His Holocaust Memorial in Berlin

Some AXO inspiration

 Thought I would throw together som interesting/inspirational images of intersecting cubes.

 A nice one from Oscar Reutersvärd. Does some cool 'impossible' drawings. check him out.

Thie illustration by Christopher Gray titled: Frank Lloyd Wright invokes the image of cubes intersecting in an interesting way...
These 'pixel art' images are familiar from early 'non perspective' computer games like sims etc etc. These manic scenes are infact perfect axonometric renderings. 

 This artwork plays on your sense of perspective
Sol LeWitt, detail from Drawing Series—Composite, Part I–IV, #1–24, B, 1969

 The non-rectilinear intersecting shapes above are something different again.

 Sort of negative space versions of intersecting cubes.

 Skate park of intersecting prisims.

 A carrara marble mine in italy.
 Trippy floor cubes

 Beautiful composition by

This is from an add campaign for Pantone by Base Design.


Isaac Newton

1. If you punch someone, even if the guy you punch doesnt feel pain, you will feel it anyway!
2. If Earth never existed, then gravity cannot be proven
3.Concentration on education reduces social conduct
4.Existance of gravity proves that there's not any two things that do not relate to each other.
5. What goes up must come down

Sigmund Freud
1. The best way to fix a crazy person is through communication
2. Everything anyone does is driven in some way by a subconscious sexual disire
3. Too much attention leads to delusions of grandiosity
4. Ironic enough that he is a psychoanalysis, but he couldn't even quit smoking himself.
5. Freud didn't believe everything was related to sex, but rather that conditions develop during specific periods in a child's life where those things are big. Eg mother complex develops during breastfeeding.

Maria Gaetana
1. The curve may be too complicated to explain verbally.
2. Multi-lingual people are intelligent.
3. If Maria Agnesi was not born a Roman Catholic, then Pope Benedict XIV would not have seriously considered her to be a candidate for the University of Bologna
4. People who know more than one language talk more often.
5. A non-conformist in public life is a conformist in private life

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Week Four

Hi guys,
Great to see some nice models being posted on your blogs.

Please remember that for the stairs assignment, you have to produce the two section drawings for each stair and post them too. These will be hand sketches in your little books and scanned/photographed for posting on the blog.

For Wednesday, you should have completed all of the work required for week 1, week 2 and week 3.

Please have all of this work posted on your blog, set out clearly in sections with correct Titles and notes as required.

On the fourth last page of this lecture, there is a link to some sketchup tutorials which could be helpful. Also, check out the presentation of the materials just above that. Yours should look like that!

Finally, have a look at other students blogs to get a feel for how you are going. There is some great work being done.

See you Wed.


Monday, 14 March 2011

Get Cracking!

we are getting WHOOPED by the other tutor groups!! 

Lets get some work up on your blogs. All sketches should be up there from last week, as well as last weeks sketchup screen shots.

If you have any questions about sketchup, put them up on the forum and your peers will help you work it out.

For this week, you are required to have the work mentioned above, as well as 8 stair drawings (2 sections x 4 different stair cases). As mentioned at the end of last weeks session, I suggest you model each of your stairs in sketch up and then use the section command to cut the sections (to show you what they should look like) then do the drawing in your book. Post all of these steps on your blog for Wednesday afternoons tutorial and we can go over them.

Finally - post something you found interesting this week.

Check sites like ffffound for some artistic inspiration!

See ya Wed.


Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Sketchup Section Cuts

There are some nice models popping up on your blogs which is good to see.

If you would like to further explore the 'sectional' aspect of the models, rather than the overall composition, it may be interesting to try other ways of displaying your 3d model. Go to Tools > Section plane and that will do a 3d section cut through the above and below datum spaces for example.

Explore the menus - there are some cool tools in there.

Great Section!

Monday, 7 March 2011

Welcome to Architecture!

Hi Guys, 
great to meet you all last week. It is a fun semester and a great entry point into your architectural education.

All of you produced some super interesting drawings last week, and by now you should have had a good crack at Sketchup, and transposed your sketches into three dimensional space.

A few of you have put up images of these already which is great, I encourage you all to check out each others work and use it to critique and challenge your ideas. 

Also please use your blog as a space to post up things which you find interesting in Architecture. This can be anything from photos to essays. From buildings to creatures. Just add a few comments on why you found it interesting, or what it made you think of. I will try to comment on Architectural directions you might be interested in based on your observations and hopefully point you in the direction of some inspirational work. 

For wednesday, I would like everyone to have posted their Sketchup screenshots on their blog and we can go through them on the TV to discuss in groups. Please make sure you also have the sketch on your blog so we can discuss the similarities etc.

Have a read of this weeks task and bring whatever you need to get going, be it pen and paper, or trendy apple device...

See you all on Wednesday